Friday, July 10, 2009


Albeit late, a brief summary of Mooseman, June 7, 2009.  

Scott & I headed through Lake Placid on our way to New Hampshire, to pick up some bike equipment for Iron Andy, who was meeting us at the race.  Upon arriving at Placid Planet Bicycles, (the best bike shop ever), Scott and Kenny presented me with a new Cervelo P3 Tri bike.  (This has been a private dream bike of mine since I began receiving triathlon magazines & racing a few years ago).  Scott had ordered it a week earlier as a surprise.  I was speechless, & super excited, but also a bit pensive, as I needed a custom fitting, & wouldn't be able to start training on it until about 4.5 weeks pre-IM...  More on that later.  So off we went to NH, with my beloved Cannondale road bike "Little Blue", & Scott's new road bike on the back of the Suburban, to compete/complete in Mooseman on Sunday.  Just a long training day.  
We ate good food & enjoyed the little athlete's village on Saturday, then Scott, Andy, & I took a training ride on the bike course.  Scott is kickin' like chicken on his new wheels. much faster and stronger than I was my first summer on my road bike.... maybe someday he'll start running & swimming too!  I'd LOVE that!

Race day was windy, sunny, & cool in the morning.  50ish.  The swim was wavy, I fought hard on the way out, got blown in a bit on the way across, & sailed in with ease on the way back.  not a great split, but respectable.  The downside was I had aspirated a bunch of H2O, and was set up to cough for the rest of the day.

The bike course was quite hilly, and fun.  it was now probably in the 60-70s.  I had a great ride on Little Blue.  I ate and drank what I needed to to set myself up for a decent run.  Still coughing my head off, and now getting a bit of a sore throat.

The run course is fun at this race. They changed it a bit this year, a small stretch and finish through a wooded area & on the beach.  It was pleasantly almost 30 degrees cooler than last year, thank God.  I enjoyed it, but was experiencing wheezing from the post coughing rawness in my throat.  I was pleased with my run, but my legs & HR were such that I could have gone faster had I not had the breathing issue.  

Overall, I was very content with my performance.  My body parts worked great, no pain or injuries post-race, and the goodie bags/finishers loot is GREAT at this event.

The post-race lobster rolls and clam chowder in a bread bowl was SOOOOOO tasty too.  

Thanks to Scott for all of the support....  and thanks to my mom for staying with our kids.  


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