Saturday, July 23, 2011

Good Morning!

Hi folks, it's Auntie M. We are in line for IMLP 2012 registration. Yep, you heard it here first, she's doing it again next year!

IronAndy is signed up too. 2012 is going to be his 8th and her 5th. What the?

Once we are done with registration, we'll swing through the Athlete Village and then head to the lake for a leisurely swim, starting a brick that will involve a short bike ride, and quick run.

Dan Gray is going to join IronKip and IronAndy for the swim, in preparation for his IMLP 2012 debut.

Today will be a prep day - dropping off bikes, packing transition bags, and hydrating the heck out of KI. We'll keep you posted. Keep sending those good vibes!


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